The Marvellous Alma

The element of surprise is always welcome in my travels. It can be found in many experiences and is one of the things that makes travel so alluring and addictive.
When surprise hits me in unexpected ways in my choice of accommodation, I get quite taken aback. When I stay in top-end luxury hotels, certain expectations need to be met, otherwise the brand is affected, and expensive promises are unfulfilled. It’s a tough call for many, but at that level they simply have to deliver. When my choice, for whatever reason, is lesser accommodation, around the 3-star level that has been reviewed well, I know I am taking a chance and keep my expectations low.
I have recently returned from the most wonderful trip to Sicily, where so many moments were magical and full of the unexpected. I will reveal some of these in an upcoming article. The first big surprise was the city of Palermo. I only allowed a measly 24 hours in the city at the tail end of the trip. What a mistake that was. The city is bursting with life, stunning in its grandeur, its envious sense of community, its lusty citizens and in its grit.
In the mad scramble to get away from Sydney I hadn’t done much research on my hotel of choice in Palermo. I figured it would be just a crash pad and a place for a quick explore of the city and the necessary re-pack of my bags before the lengthy trip back to Australia.
Alma Hotel, located just on the fringe of the historical centre, is a very highly rated hotel on Trip Advisor, a portal I don’t rate or trust very highly. In this instance, the unanimous glowing reviews made sense and the price for my single night was perfect for me. It is certainly rare for me to devote an entire article to a 3 star hotel. But Alma Hotel deserves so much praise I felt compelled to do so.
For I have never had so much surprise from a hotel. It was eye-opening, pleasing, and for me, quite unforgettable. What made it so special? Points of difference I haven’t seen before at this price level, so effective and natural in their execution that I realized with the necessary passion and determination to stand out, anything is possible, at any level of accommodation.
Located on the 3rd and 4th floor of a not-particularly attractive, nondescript converted office building, Alma Hotel has only seven minimalist, functional and comfortable rooms. The hotel is owned and operated by a warm, gracious and charming couple, Paulo and Antonella. During a chat with Paulo he told me that the hotel had been in operation only a short number of years and that both he and Antonella came from very different backgrounds, having no prior hospitality experience. I found this amazing, as I have never met more welcoming, hands-on, friendly hosts. Both offer knowledgeable advice about where to go and what to do, with no request too great.
What Paulo and Antonella have brought to this property cannot be overemphasized. A personal level of service that would be the envy of many of the world’s finest hotels. Firstly, they treat their staff as family. I witnessed the bond and professional connection several times during my short stay.
Paulo and Antonella’s philosophy at Alma Hotel is to also treat their guests as family. I felt immediate connection with them, and I witnessed the same from other guests. Each and every guest is treated with genuine warmth. The members of their small team are introduced by first name only. All are very welcoming and willing to assist. A leaflet is provided to each guest with their first names and a photograph of them, with an explanation of their duties.
This personal touch extended through the tasks that each team member performed. I didn’t meet everyone, but the few that I did made quite an impression on me.
At breakfast, Paulo was there to greet guests, and gave me a rundown on the impressive Sicilian spread laid out before me. Agata and Francesca, friendly and delightful, made me superb cappuccinos with a smile, to accompany a very surprising breakfast. Bed and Breakfast style in its operation, the dining room looked like any other. But it was far more than that. There are those that live their travels through the breakfasts they have each morning. I have never been one of them. But this! One of Antonella’s great talents is on full display. Paulo explained the selection of up to eight Sicilian specialty cakes, made by Antonella without eggs and dairy, keeping them light and easy to indulge in for breakfast. They are indeed, light, traditional and delicious. Antonella takes great pride in her cakes. How she has time to make them all and run the busy hotel as well is baffling.
The elaborate breakfast spread and Antonella’s wonderful cakes.
By the time I had to leave the beauty of Palermo, I was feeling saddened that my trip was about to close. As I awaited my credit card to be accepted online, my last impressions of the hotel were again, with the hosts, Antonella and Paulo. My chat with them felt like I was speaking with two people I had known for a longer time.
After my bill was paid, Paulo accompanied me down to street level to await my driver who would take me to the first of four airports for the long journey home. Originally from Rome, Paulo told me of his background and for his love for Sicily, his hopes for the island and for what may possibly be an uncertain future. His passion for the success of Alma Hotel shone with every word.
In typical Western fashion I shook his hand to farewell him. He followed that with the very Italian tradition of a light peck on each cheek. In most instances, the last 30 minutes in a hotel before departure are usually the least pleasant, for obvious reasons. This experience was quite the opposite. I could have chatted with Paulo and Antonella for ages. What made my stay at their hotel great, was them. Two entirely hospitable hosts who made it all seem so effortless. I have nothing but admiration for them and the way they run and maintain their wonderful small hotel.
This all rams the point home yet again, that service is what it’s all about. Service is the number one most important factor in the hospitality industry. Here, it shines like a beacon as one of the best examples of it I have experienced anywhere in the world. I never expected Alma Hotel to be one of my most personal hotel experiences, but it truly was.
So, there you have my surprise. Me, Mr. Robinson, having one of his pinnacle experiences at a relatively standard, non-luxury hotel. And I am so glad I have done so. It’s a memory that lingers with me like a slow burning candle. This kind of unexpected experience warrants repeating. And that I will. I can’t wait to return for a longer time to embrace all that the city of Palermo has to offer and to enjoy those points of difference that the marvellous Alma Hotel has in spades.